Discover your Wild Side with Dixie Outlet Mall!


Earlier in the year I had a great time taking part in the She Who Hunts Finds blogger challenge, and now I am lucky enough to take part in another challenge with Dixie Outlet Mall!


discover your wild side dixie outlet mall


This time around I have started my shopping adventure by completing the Take the Wild Side Quiz to reveal my shopping persona. You can take your own quiz at to reveal what your shopping animal is, and why that animal fits your shopping style.




I have to tell you, this was the easiest quiz I have ever taken! The answers were always right there for me (it was all multiple choice), and when I found our my shopping persona was The Lioness I wasn’t all that surprised. The description for The Lioness is: Fiercely fashion forward with an untamed sense of style. You’re proud to take care of shopping for the whole family. It’s not hard to see why everyone knows you’re queen of the jungle.


Dixie 009

Dixie 004

Doesn’t that sound just like me? I shop for my husband and son on a pretty consistent basis, and well I’d like to believe I have an untamed sense of style!

Next up – time to go shopping!


Dixie 006

I am heading out in a few days to Dixie Outlet Mall to put together an outfit (or two) for $200 or less, and to put my new title of The Lioness to the test.

I’m going to be looking for something to take me into fall, so I’ve created a fall mood board to inspire me before my shop.



Discover your wild side Dixie outlet mall



Would you like your chance to shop at Dixie Outlet Mall too? Well, really you can head there anytime (maybe I will see you there this weekend?), but I have a fabulous giveaway coming soon to the blog where you could win a gift card to go shopping! Stay tuned!


Mandy Furnis



Kasa Moto Review

Kasa Moto Review



My husband must love it when I decide to blog about a restaurant. Just as the food arrives I say wait, don’t touch anything – I need to take a picture!

By the end of the meal he usually gets the hang of waiting before taking the the first bite, but it’s pretty funny to slap away his hand when the food arrives.

A couple weeks ago we found ourselves at Kasa Moto in Yorkville. It’s part of the Chase Hospitality Group which includes a couple other favourites of mine – Colette Grand Café, The Chase, and Little Fin (which I haven’t made it to yet).

The menu at Kasa Moto is described as contemporary Japanese cuisine, and the restaurant itself is beautiful – and huge! It has large rooftop patio, and there are many different seating areas inside.



Kasa Moto Review



Kasa Moto Review



We started with the Smoked Salmon ($14) with smoked cream cheese, salmon caviar & yuzu butter. We were given quite an explanation of the bread used in this dish (it looked like a piece of black bread, and the cream cheese was inside), but I am not sure I can give the explanation justice. The bread was brittle but tasted surprisingly good considering it was black which was throwing me off a bit! It was an interesting start to dinner.



Kasa Moto Review


We also started with the Lobster Tempura with wasabi sour cream, sansho salt & sesame chimichurri. Hands down one of my favourite dishes in the city. I LOVE lobster. You can practically put lobster on anything and I would be a happy girl, but this dish was in its own league. The Lobster Tempura is listed as market price on the menu, and for us it ended up being $55. A very pricy appetizer, but I have to say it was totally worth it. There were three sauces to choose from, and all were absolutely delicious. I’m getting hungry just writing about it!


Kasa Moto Review


Next up we tried Kamameshi ($18) which was a rice dish with wild mushrooms, burdock root, yam cake & truffle soy butter. The photo for this one is not very clear since it was prepared at our table and I couldn’t very well ask the server to pause and pose so I could take a photo (although I am sure he would have loved that as much as my husband does).


Kasa Moto Review


Kasa Moto Review


Kasa Moto Review



This rice dish was like a risotto, and it seemed very rich because of the truffle soy butter. It stayed warm at our table so we could eat it with our maki sushi to come. I really liked it, but it was very filling because it was so rich.

Finally we finished the meal with Kasa Moto’s version of a California Roll ($12). The crab in these California rolls was unbelievable. This was not imitation crab, this was real flaked snow crab, and it was an incredibly fresh roll.


Kasa Moto Review


We saved no room for dessert, although we wish we did because I am sure it would have been as spectacular as our dinner. Kasa Moto offered some of the best Japanese food I have had, paired with excellent service.

They had a varied wine list (with one of my favourite Riesling’s from Cave Springs!), and they offered valet parking or there was an easy to use nearby parking garage within steps.

Kasa Moto is located at 115 Yorkville Ave in Toronto, and for more information you can visit their website at



Mandy Furnis



Shopping with

Shopping with



I’m heading away on a cruise at the end of October, so I’ve been searching for some great outfits for my trip.

I’m loving the look of this maxi dress! It’s from – an online store with fun fashion at very affordable prices.

I actually think I will be doing a lot of shopping for my trip on – they have thousands of dresses to choose from, and also tops, skirts, shoes and other accessories in their online store.



Shopping with



Shopping with



Shopping with



This dress I am wearing is only $18.33, and it’s a really fun style. You can see it here on the website, and I was happy it looked just like the photo when it arrived.

Many of the photos on the website are uploaded by other bloggers and shoppers of the site who uploaded photos of themselves wearing Zaful outfits. This is because you can earn Zaful points that way to put towards your purchases. 100 points equals $2.00 on the website. Signing up for their email list will earn you points as well.

They offer free shipping worldwide, but to get your item faster you can upgrade your shipping.

I really love the dress they sent me, and I’ve already got quite a few items in my shopping cart right now on the Zaful website so I think you will be seeing lots of new outfits from them in the future on the blog!

For more information and to get your shop on, visit!





Disclaimer: This product was provided to me for review, but all opinions are fabulously my own.



Mandy Furnis



After Hours: A Speakeasy at the Spadina Museum




I love a good party, and the Spadina Museum in Toronto is having an awesome next weekend!

Have you heard of the Spadina Museum before? Spadina Museum is one of 10 historic museums operated by the City of Toronto. It was built in 1866 and was home to four generations of the Austin family. The home has been restored to reflect how the Austin’s lived in the home in the 1920’s and 1930’s.







On August 15th from 7:30pm and 11:00pm the Spadina Museum will be hosting a new event called After Hours: A Speakeasy.





It’s an exclusive, jazz-era lawn party that will take place both inside the historic house and on the 6 acres of historic gardens and orchards.

Guests will enjoy 1920’s food and cocktails, dance to live jazz music with the Sugar Shakers dance troupe, watch silent films under the stars, and explore a 55-room mansion by gaslight.

Tickets are $50, and they include admission, refreshments, music, dancing and more! There will also be a cash bar available.

I am so excited for this event! It sounds like a really fun summer party with an excellent theme. Now what am I going to wear?

To purchase tickets, visit this website here! For more information on the Spadina Museum, visit their website here.

Spadina Museum is located at 245 Spadina Road, Toronto.



Mandy Furnis



Winner of the Toronto Food and Wine Festival Tickets!


Congratulations to the winner of the Toronto Food and Wine Festival Tickets – Linda L!

Linda, we will contact you shortly to claim your prize.

Thank you to everyone who entered!

Mandy Furnis