Making Dinner Fun with the Help of Lilydale

Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



Sure, we all talk about our kids lunches and making them fun and interesting for each school day, but what about dinner?

I don’t know about you, but dinner is the most difficult one of the day to get my son to finish. Breakfast is easy – I can hear his tummy rumbling from a mile away! Lunch is something so many parents focus on because we aren’t there to ensure they eat – we put in the effort to make their lunch exciting so they want to eat it on their own.

Dinner is a whole other story! It’s often the hardest meal to put together because I’m rushed with finishing up work, handling school pick up, and quickly trying to make a meal before after-school activities! I don’t tend to put in as much effort to be creative like I should, so I thought I should change things up!

I decided to put something fun together with the Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale. We have been trying out a few different products from Lilydale over the past month (by the way the Turkey Breast Strips are so good!)


Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



I chose the Homestyle Turkey Burgers because they are so easy to make, and my family loves eating turkey. Here’s what I did to make these burgers really fun for my son!

I decided to make Teddy Bear Burgers! First up I used while chocolate melts for the nose. I used a baking gel pen to make the little nose and the eyes.



Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



I let the nose dry for a little while before I added it to the bun. I poked a small hole in the bun and rested the nose in it.

I cut the ears out of cheese so the whole burger would be edible, and I was ready to put the rest of the burger together!



Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



The Lilydale Homestyle Turkey Burgers are made with free run Canadian turkey breast, so I know I’m feeding my son the best product possible. Not only is it good for him, but these burgers taste amazing – they are a huge hit in our home!



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Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



Cute bear burgers for kids; Making Dinner fun with Homestyle Turkey Burgers from Lilydale sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



Don’t these look like so much fun? My son just loved seeing this dinner surprise!

Lilydale is proudly Canadian, and are celebrating their 75th anniversary this year! I’m so happy they teamed up with me on this post! Follow @lilydalecanada on social media to celebrate their birthday this year, and for chances to win some amazing products to celebrate them turning 75!
@lilydalecanada #locallylilydale #sponsored






Items in this post may have been provided to me for review, but all opinions are fabulously my own. This post contains affiliate links.



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