My Favourite iPad Apps for Toddlers

Lazoo Zoo



My iPad has been an absolute lifesaver with my toddler, especially when we’ve been travelling. Flying with him can be tricky, and I am positive we would have never survived without the iPad loaded with Apps and videos for him. It’s like torture waiting for takeoff, so having the iPad ready to go has been great to keep him occupied. We were stuck in customs once for an hour, and our iPad was the perfect distraction for our son and all of the children around him in line!

We also had a long road trip to Lake Placid where we needed a distraction for the long hours in the car, and the iPad was amazing. We try not to let our son play with the iPad too much since I am selfish and I want to play with it myself (ok partially, mostly because I would rather have him play outside at this time of year than sit on the couch), but we have had to admit to ourselves that there have been times when we would have been lost without it.

There are so many Apps out there, and I end up deleting a lot of them because they are frustrating for my toddler. Some of them are too difficult for him to navigate, and some of them I will download and he is bored in seconds. I think all Apps include a lot of trial and error when choosing a good one.

I’ve added a list of Apps that have been the most successful with my son. His favourite right now is the Lego Duplo Trains App. Do you know how hard it is to find a good train App? Very very hard. I feel like I have been through them all, but that one is perfect for his age. You can find my list below, but if there are any Apps that you are using right now that you love for your kid, please add them in the comments section below – I would love to hear them!



Lazoo Zoo


Lazoo Zoo


Lazoo Zoo


This App allows you to travel around the zoo and feed the animals. Once they are fed they may change colours, grow hair, or change in some fun way. This one is very easy because you just need to drag and drop food in the animals mouth, and there are lots of animals to visit at the zoo.



Lazoo:  Let's Color!Pin this image on Pinterest


Lazoo:  Let's Color!Pin this image on Pinterest


Lazoo:  Let's Color!Pin this image on Pinterest


Lazoo: Let’s Colour!

This App is part of the Lazoo series as well, and in this one you can colour or add stickers to a photo, and then if you press “Go” the photo comes to life. There are trains and planes that move once you hit “Go”, fish that will swim and sundae’s that will melt when you are ready to hit the button. There are a lots of different pictures to colour, and it comes with a great little movie as well with the Lazoo characters.



Elmo CallsPin this image on Pinterest



Elmo CallsPin this image on Pinterest


Elmo CallsPin this image on Pinterest


Elmo Calls


In this App Elmo phones and you can answer the phone and FaceTime with him. It’s great because I think kids probably get more excited seeing themselves on the screen! This App only has a few different calls Elmo can make, but the FaceTime keeps them occupied a bit longer. Elmo is a big hit at our place, and I think every child loves phones, so it’s a pretty awesome combo.



Talking Ben the DogPin this image on Pinterest


Talking Ben the DogPin this image on Pinterest


Talking Ben The Dog


We have had this App for over a year and it still doesn’t get old. Not educational in the least, but it’s a free App where the dog will mimic your voice or belch on command. It’s just a lot of fun. There are even a few spinoff animal Apps similar to Ben now, and he’s so popular you can find a stuffed talking version of him in stores.



Lego Duplo TrainsPin this image on Pinterest


Lego Duplo TrainsPin this image on Pinterest


Lego Duplo TrainsPin this image on Pinterest


Lego Duplo TrainsPin this image on Pinterest


Lego Duplo Trains


This App is great for boys who are obsessed with trains like mine is. It lets them build their own train, load the train and build tracks and bridges along the way. Plus it was free! I’ve probably downloaded a dozen train Apps, and this has been the best one!



Endless AlphabetPin this image on Pinterest


Endless AlphabetPin this image on Pinterest


Endless AlphabetPin this image on Pinterest


Endless Alphabet


This one was suggested to me by my friend Jen! This one was the most pricy of the bunch at $6.99, but it really is an endless alphabet! Words from A – Z pop up and you have to match the letters in the word. You can press the button to hear the word out loud, and to explain what it is. Each letter makes a sound as you match it to the right spot. You get bonus points as a parent for downloading something so educational too.



Elmo's Monster MakerPin this image on Pinterest


Elmo's Monster MakerPin this image on Pinterest


Elmo's Monster MakerPin this image on Pinterest


Elmo’s Monster Maker


This App was $2.99 but it’s really fun! Elmo parades a group of monsters out, and you have to pick one to dress up. Then you can decide if Elmo plays with him, or of he should dance. It’s pretty cute for Elmo fans.



Endless NumbersPin this image on Pinterest


Endless NumbersPin this image on Pinterest


Endless NumbersPin this image on Pinterest


Endless Numbers


Similar to Endless Alphabet, this counting App comes in a lite version so it’s free, but has some great matching games with numbers. Again, the educational points you will score by downloading this are great, plus the little monsters in the App are super cute and entertaining.


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