Toddler Adventures at Crock a Doodle

Crock a Doodle Whitby sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



I know it may sound crazy to bring a group of toddlers to a place where beautiful pottery pieces are painted, but as it turns out it was a great spot to spend a morning!

Just before the holidays I mentioned that while I was vacationing at the Westin Trillium House, Blue Mountain, in the village there was a fun-looking pottery studio that I was hoping my son would want to check out. It turned out he wasn’t in the mood that day (but suddenly was on the way home, about an hour into our trip home!), but luckily there was a Crock a Doodle location in our hometown!

I rounded up 9 of his friends who happened to be around on a Friday morning, and we headed into the studio to do some paining!

The kids walked to the back of the studio and hung up their jackets, and found a seat at one of the many paining stations.

At Crock a Doodle, you don’t need a reservation – you can just pop in to paint! Because there were so many of us, I called in advance to let them know what time we would all arrive to check things out.



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Crock a Doodle Whitby sparkleshinylovePin this image on Pinterest



Since it was close to Easter, we decided to all do an egg painting activity, and the lovely ladies at Crock a Doodle arranged to read an Easter-themed story to the kids as well! We pre-arranged this part as well as the studio was doing something similar for Valentine’s Day.

The kids started off with a cute Clifford story about Easter eggs (perfect theming!), and once the story was over it was time to paint.






Normally a person could choose a piece of pottery on the wall that they would like to paint, and they could find the price of each item listed on the bottom of the piece. In this case the kids knew they were painting eggs, so at this point they just needed to choose their paint colors.

The kids were shown how to clean their paintbrushes so they could choose another color to paint with, and then they were given free creative control!



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Once the eggs were complete, us parents were given the opportunity to write our childs name on the egg so it could be identified later, and then it was whisked off to be professionally glazed and kiln-fired.



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After all this hard work, the kids were treated with a cookie which was a big hit. The kids all did a great job! A few days later we received the call that we could pick up our finished egg. Our son was so happy to have his egg back! It looked great, and it’s a really cute keepsake.



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Crock a Doodle Whitby is located at 30 Broadleaf Ave, but you can check out their website here to see where the closest location is to you!

The Whitby location was bright, clean, and the staff were very patient with our children. That says a lot considering how many toddlers were there! You can find the Crock a Doodle Whitby Facebook page here! Check out their page to see all of the great activities they have coming up!



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