What to Do – Events Coming Up!





eLUXE Warehouse Sale – January 22nd and 23rd, 2014

Up to 75% off designers including DVF, J Brand, Rebecca Taylor, Mackage, Michael Kors, Red Valentino, Zac Posen and 7 For All Mankind.

The sale runs 12-8pm.

355 Adelaide Street West, Toronto



January ROM Kids PD Day Camp – January 24th, 2014


ROM 2014

At the Royal Ontario Museum there will be an all day camp for kids with a PD day.  It runs from 9am to 4pm, and the schedule is as follows:

Drop off:8-9am

Morning Session: 9-12pm

Supervised Lunch: 12-1pm

Afternoon Session: 4-6pm

Cost is $60-$69, for ages 5-14

The day includes hands-on educational activities, art projects, science experiments, and more!



Steam Whistle UNSIGNED – January 24th, 2014


Steamwhistle 2014

On January 24th, Steam Whistle will host Unsigned #28, celebrating Canadian indie music. The show will be hosted in the Toronto Brewery’s Beer Hall and will feature Bravestation, Ark Analog, and Doom Squad. Doors open at 8pm and admission is only $5 at the door with all proceeds from ticket sales going back to the community through the Artists Health Alliance.

Steam Whistle Brewing

255 Bremner Blvd, Toronto



Q&A with Flare’s Fashion Director Tiyana Grulovic – January 28th, 2014


Flare 2014Pin this image on Pinterest


Meet fashion director at FLARE, for a Q&A about style and career opportunities in fashion/media at the Toronto Fashion Incubator.  The event starts at 5:30pm for coffee and networking, and the Q&A starts at 6pm.

285 Manitoba Drive, Toronto

To register, visit: www.fashionincubator.com/shop


The Drake’s Guilty Pleasures Brunch + Designer Sale – February 1st, 2014


The Drake 2014Pin this image on Pinterest

It is the 10th anniversary for this event!  Brunch seating’s are from 11:00am – 1:00pm and from 2-4:30pm there is a designer sale open to the public.

There will be free mini manicures, styling tips and beauty touch ups.

The Drake Hotel, 1150 Queen Street West, Toronto




Photo #1 courtesy of eluxe.ca, #2 courtesy of rom.on.ca, #3 steamwhistle.ca, #4 flare.com, #5 thedrakehotel.ca







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