Finding Support with #OpenWeStand

Finding Support with #OpenWeStand


In this post I’m partnering with GoDaddy to share my tips and tricks in their forum #OpenWeStand on how entrepreneurs like myself can continue moving forward in this period of uncertainty!

Things have changed so much over the last couple months that it’s been hard to adjust both personally, and professionally.

Not only have I had to help my son adjust to life at home without his friends and going to school every day, but I’ve had to make my own significant changes to my small business.

For the past 5 years I’ve been running my lifestyle blog sparkleshinylove covering travel reviews, creating content for large organizations, and writing about everything else we experience as a family!

Working from home is something that has not changed for me – I’ve always been able to turn off the world around me and work away on my written content.

I worked with a photographer monthly to shoot content, and in March alone I had two trips for which the basis was to write travel reviews for the resorts which were hosting me.

With the need to stay home, new challenges in my business have arisen, and I’ve had to rethink how I work and adjust the content I’m working on!


Finding Support with #OpenWeStand



At this point, my content shoots with my photographer have been cancelled altogether, and jobs I was already working on have been cancelled as well – something I would have never expected even a month ago.

I’ve been looking for ways to continue to run my business gracefully so that I can continue to create content that my readers care about, all the while thinking about how to ensure I’m being sensitive to the situation which surrounds us.

I’ve been looking for support in different places, including from people who are facing the same small business challenges I am.

One amazing resource has been GoDaddy’s microsite #OpenWeStand. It’s a way to connect to other entrepreneurs where we can sound off on ideas to keep our small businesses viable.


Finding Support with #OpenWeStand


#OpenWeStand is a movement keeping small businesses (like my own) and entrepreneurs top of mind during these challenging times. I’ve had to face many obstacles including losing much of my upcoming work, and I’ve heard some great ideas to help me with this hurdle like cutting many of the expenses I had which at one time I thought were non-negotiables.


Finding Support with #OpenWeStand


My business plans moving forward will include continuing to cut my costs as much as I can to stay afloat financially, but to also continue doing what I’ve been striving to since the beginning – sharing the things I love in my day-to-day life.

It’s so important to remember WHY you started, and to continue staying true to that!


Finding Support with #OpenWeStand



Some of the other advice I’ve received in the #OpenWeStand forum is that moving forward I should be carefully editing what I write before publicly posting to ensure I’m sensitive to the situation that surrounds us right now. Another small business owner mentioned keeping my creative focus, and work on creative solutions.

If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur, visit GoDaddy’s #OpenWeStand microsite for resources and inspiration.













Items in this post may have been provided to me for review, but all opinions are fabulously my own.










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